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Add an Object in Transport Request

Posted by Admin at
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Follow the steps to add an object to a existing unreleased transport request:-

1.Log on to the client in which the transport request is created.

2.Go to transaction SE10 and find the transport request.

3.Select the transport request in the list and click on Ctrl+F11. Dont select the Sub-Task.

4.Turn “on” the radio button “Freely selected objects” that appears in the popup and press Enter.

5.In the “Include objects in request” screen, turn “on” the “Selected Objects" in the "Selection by type and name" section.

6.Check “on” the check box on the appropriate Object Type, and enter the name of the object to be added to the transport request. Click the Execute button or press F8.

7.On the “Include objects in request” screen, click the “Include Request” button or press F9. You will see a confirmation message in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.

8.Go back to SE10 and release the transport request.

Keyword: BASIS
Title : Add an Object in Transport Request


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