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Object Identification

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Object identification distinguishes between data records that have the same infotype, subtype, lock indicator, and validity begin and end dates.


The object identification (object ID) splits subtypes into individual objects. You can create a separate history for each object. The object ID automatically inherits the time constraint assigned to the subtype.

Infotype Family/Relative (0021) is divided into the following subtypes:

  • Spouse (Subtype 1)
  • Child (Subtype 2)
  • Legal Guardian (Subtype 3)

Time constraint 2 is assigned to the individual subtypes so that you can generate an independent history for each subtype.

However, if you need to enter data on more than one child, you must assign time constraint 3 to the subtype because the data records of the various children will overlap. Introducing an object ID allows you to generate one history per child. The object ID is stored in the infotype as the Child number.

Infotype Loans (0045) is another example of an infotype with an object ID.

Keyword: SAP HR
Title : Object Identification


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