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Question from marianne.zoricak on Sep 28 at 6:08 PM We buy a material in LB and sell in KG. No problem on the Sales or PO side, but the issue appears to be rounding. For example: GR of 32,000 LB of material was received at 14,515.944 KG which is correct based on the conversion of ..453591875 LB to KG. On the warehouse side, however, they are using only 5 digits .45359 and thus it is rounding down to 14,515.88. I know SAP is correct in how it rounds, but is there any way we can have SAP only use .45359 instead of the 9 digits? Or alternatively, do we need to do this on the warehouse side? I'm not sure if their system can accommodate 9 digits. This will cause an inventory discrepancy every month. We are good on the FI side as we have GR=IR set up. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks. | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | In the Spotlight Become a blogger at and share your expertise with the community. Start today. _.____.__ |