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RE:[sap-log-sd] Sales Orders to Auto-Create Deliveries When Material is Available, Regardless of the Due Date

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Reply from Arun_VU on Apr 13 at 6:54 AM
I had already tried V_V2 but the delivery date in procurement tab remains the same.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Arun_VU
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 4:52 AM
Subject: Sales Orders to Auto-Create Deliveries When Material is Available, Regardless of the Due Date

Currently Deliveries are auto-generated 5 days before the delivery date (at the line item level). The line item date matches the sales order header level "Requested Delivery Date" initially. If material is not available (including allocations against the material) at the time of order creation, the line items are rescheduled to the longest leadtime (in material master) of the line items that are short.

Business expectations are to ship orders as soon as they are ready, and with the Sales Order "Requested Delivery Date" being the commitment date to the customer for the ship date.

Due to the way SAP sales orders reschedule their line items and the subsequent delay in Delivery order creation, it leads to manual intervention to process orders once the material is available.


example 1:

?Start date of scenario = Feb 27, 2017

?Qty 100 on shelf

?1st sales order to needs 500 units, and Sales Order due date (header level / customer commitment date) = Feb 28, 2017

§Not enough material, so no delivery is created

§Currently, the sales order line item reschedules forwards to account for product leadtime (say 10 days in MM)

?MRP sees the shortage and creates a replenishment signal for 400 units to account for the shortage, due in 10 business days (March 13)

?Business manually prioritizes the production order, and its completed on March 2, 2017

§currently the 1st sales order won't try to convert to a delivery, even though there is stock, until 5 days before its line item schedule date (March 6th, = March 13 - 5 business days)

?The business wants the delivery to create immediately after the material becomes available on March 2; as it is now, business manually identifies material is ready for order & forces the delivery to create

example 2:

?Same as above, but with additional situation

?2nd Sales Order arrives on March 1, due on March 1, for Qty 50 (same part as above)

§order sees existing allocations, so even though 100 on the shelf, they are not available

§currently, Sales Order line item reschedules out 10 days (shortage LT) = March 16th

?MRP sees the shortage, and launches additional production order for Qty 50, due on March 15th

?Production order is manually prioritized and is completed on March 7th

?The business wants the delivery to create immediately after the material becomes available on March 7; note the "available" accounts for existing allocations. Business currently has to manually identify material is ready for order & force the delivery to create on March 7.

example 3:

?Start date of scenario = Feb 27, 2017

?Qty 10 on shelf

?1st sales order to needs 15 units, and Sales Order due date (header level / customer commitment date) = Feb 28, 2017

§Not enough material, so no delivery is created

§Currently, the sales order line item reschedules forwards to account for product leadtime (say 10 days in MM)

?Production order created as combo of Sales Order demand and safety stock / max stock for Qty 15 (more than enough to satisfy the Sales Order), its prioritized and completed on Feb 28th

?2nd Sales order comes in on March 1, Qty 5. There is more than enough material on the shelf, including allocated material, so it creates a Delivery immediately

1st Sales order is still waiting to release, even though it came in 1st and there is enough material on the shelf

Without changing system behaviors for scheduling, material checks, allocations, ATP, etc. (especially as it relates to Planned, Production or Purchase Orders and purchase requisitions)

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