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[sap-log-sd] Sales Order Wise Allocation MTS Items

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Question from AnkitM_1990 on Oct 13 at 2:25 AM

We have scenario of MTS items. We are convert planned order to prod order without assign of sales order. Now we want track production order wrt sales order. Is there any provision? In next if we assign sales order at a time of prod order creation, then it create problem at a time of material delivery. If I have 5 customers of 1 material with different delivery dates. Now 1st and 2nd customer need first delivery so system allocate them first. But in case their account is block, then we need to spread stock in other 3 customer(V_v2). The problem is that, if we make prod order on sales order wise, then finish stock will block on customer wise and does not allow delivery other than this customer. We need to track prod order sales order wise and also at a time of dispatch stock will be free to allocate any customer, now can anyone help?

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