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[sap-acct] IAT Payment File - Record type 7 Addenda Type 17 have two lines of 717

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Question from Sunny on Oct 17 at 6:08 PM
I have to implement Payment Method IAT in my company. I have implemented the SAP note 1343600 successfully.

I am able to create IAT files too if there is one or multiple Vendors with one payment line item.

As soon as I am picking a Vendor who has more than one line item to be paid then system is creating two 717 Addenda records which is acceptable by the bank but as soon as number goes up to three then system rejects the file as it can only create 2 717 Addenda Records in one file.

Please see the example in attached shots

I set up a Vendor in Vendor Master so that only one payment can be made to him for the total of all line items.

In my example Vendor had three line items to be paid

In F110 system created one Payment for three line items

System created an IAT file with two line items and missed the third line.

There are two line items of record 717 which is appearing in the IAT file. According to the IAT file format a maximum of two IAT addenda records is permissible to accompany an IAT entry. So I dont think this is an error. The bank has come back and said that they need only one line item. I would like to create one line item for three line items for the total of $18.

Am I missing anything in the configuration? Any help would be really appreciated.

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