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RE:[sap-security] You Are Not Authorized To Start Programs From Authorization Group AM10

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Reply from samnovice on Oct 4 at 8:46 AM
Hi Alex,

Thank you so much for suggestion, issue solved.

I also must note that your previous similar topic on this issue, which I found in meantime, also helped me a lot.


Best regards.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: samnovice
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2016 9:44 AM
Subject: You Are Not Authorized To Start Programs From Authorization Group AM10


I am trying to enable user to access S_ALR_87011963 report so I have created special role for this user.

I have done everything correctly but when users tries to run report S_ALR_87011963 following message is shown

You are not authorized to start programs from authorization group AM10
Message no. DS092

An authorization group is assigned to the program, but you are not authorized to execute programs in this group.

Check the user master record: Authorization objects S_PROGRAM program development) or S_PROGRAM (to executed programs and maintain variants); the authorization groups are checked with the field P_ACTION = 'SUBMIT'.

This is the result of su53 transaction

https://s21.postimg.org/3mlvp4nav/2016_10_03_15_29 _25.jpg

I can't figure out what did I done wrong?

Any help is appreciated.


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