Reply from bmacmillan on Mar 4 at 12:50 PM Ok, it looks like was wrong about the other tablespaces. I looked in the alert_PRD.log file and saw that all of the datafiles in all of the tablespaces were created when we went live with ECC 6.0 What I don't know, however, is whether they were created automatically, or if the consultant added them manually. The reason I am unsure is because - if you look at the data files being added for PSAPPRD740D, for instance - they seem to be added in a random fashion, not sequentially? My best guess is that the UPGRADE process created the datafiles automatically, based on the size of the tablespace requirements. Does that make sense to you? Perhaps the same is true for the PSAPUNDO tablespace? If so, I guess the only question I have is why - almost 2 years after the upgrade, have we not needed to add datafiles to any tablespace other than PSAPUNDO? If I look in DB02 - tablespace - Summary History, I see that PSAPUNDO is the only one with a value in the Chg.size/day column, and a positive value in the column? I haven't had reason to pay a lot of attention to this until now, so I have no idea if this is normal or niot. Thanks, Bruce
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: bmacmillan Sent: Friday, March 04, 2016 8:52 AM Subject: Proper Usage/Configuration Of PSAPUNDO Ok, thank you. That does help, but I still don't understand why I need to manually add datafiles to this (PSAPUNDO) tablespace, but I don't have to add datafiles to any of the other tablespaces. I was under the impression that the AUTOEXTEND would do that for me, but as you said, that pertains to the datafiles within the tablespace. Is there an option I'm missing that allows datafiles to be added automatically? | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |