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RE: EXT :[sap-other] How to tell if Record in EKKO is Updated

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Reply from CWK on May 5 at 4:08 PM
You can use ME23N to view the purchase order. Follow menu path Environment > Header changes to view the history of changes to the header data. This certainly isn't satisfactory for your requirement, however.

I don't know of any SAP tool that allows you to look at P.O. History any other way. The history data is in the SAP CDHDR table and CDPOS table cluster. P.O. changes are captured using change document object EINKBELEG in case you want to look at the tables using SE16 or write a custom report. You can also specify a date range.

The EINKBELEG object captures P.O. changes for other P.O. changes beside header changes so you'll have to look at the CDPOS detail to see exactly which fields changed.

Good luck,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: sarchbold
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 3:28 PM
Subject: How to tell if Record in EKKO is Updated


Is there a way to tell if a record in the EKKO table has been updated after it was created?

I know the Create date is found in field AEDAT.

basically I'm trying to see all records in the EKKO table that have been added or modified in the last 7 days.

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