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RE:[sap-acct] Asset Tracking in SAP

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Reply from James on Mar 29 at 3:32 PM
There is a field called Original Asset that could be used for this but if you make any kind of asset transfer during its life then I believe it will be overwritten.

---------------Original Message---------------
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 12:02 PM
Subject: Asset Tracking in SAP

I am curious to see how anyone else tracks their assets. Primarily, the replacement of assets for a historical "paper" trail.

We have our various departments pay in each year towards the replacement of an asset, but I would like to know if SAP has the functionality to be able to track what the asset number it is replacing as well as what asset replaces that asset when the time comes.

For example, Asset # 300001 was then replaced by #301300 four years later and then that asset was then replaced by #303000 four years after that acquisition.

Does anyone else track assets like that? If so, how do you do it?

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