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Re: [sap-career] Changing Career Path from Sales & Marketing to SAP SD Consultant

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Reply from Abhra_Bose on Mar 30 at 7:12 AM
Please don't mind. But it is a fact that now a days the job situation is
not good. I came into sap 8 years back after having experience in domain.
Earlier it was a criteria that to become sap consultant you must have
domain exp. But now a days companies are hiring freshers and giving them
training to become consultant. There is no value of domain experience
because now a days there is a very few project where good domain experience
of people like you is coming into play. It is very sad but that's what
consultants are now a days.
So it is better not to change because market in sap for senior people seems
not good.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Deepak Mehta
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 6:28 AM
Subject: Changing Career Path from Sales & Marketing to SAP SD Consultant

Yes, I changed over to SAP at the age of 44 but that was in 1999. I am extremely happy with the decision.

However, today is a different world. The risk is higher simply because there are more Consultants out there and hence more competition.

When they tell you people at a high age (anybody higher than 39 is high) have succeeded, ask them whether this is a recent story or an old one. The old stories have little relevance today. I am not saying you will not succeed. I am not competence to say so. I do not know anything about you, so my saying anything will be wrong. However, please appreciate that there are risks and while I did succeed in 1999, whether I would have done so in 2015 is a question mark.

Please do not believe anyone who talks of a guaranteed placement. Nobody can guarantee it. That part is just sales talk as you, of all people, should see through it.

Chaitanya's warning about the (3.5-4)L package irrespective of your past experience is well-placed. They will ask - yes but what is your SAP experience? Here, you are a fresher.

Be ready to be mobile - assignments can take you to all kinds of places. For example, I am a Vegetarian. In India, it is no problem but in other countries, I have had to make adjustments (not eat non-Veg but adjust to Greek Veg, Thai Veg etc.). You will be away from your family. The family has to learn to adjust also.

Talk to people inside SAP community (Consultants, Recruiters, actual users etc.) and check whether people in your age group have been joining (in their organization or geography).

Its a lot of fun being in SAP but after these things are taken care of.


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