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Reply from ravichandraeduru on Mar 23 at 11:02 AM Hii SAP has configured the decimals as per the standard usage. Any changes in the decimal system may impact the computing methods. So be cautious in changing the decimal places.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Gayathri Kota Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 5:24 AM Subject: Running Monthend FX Report Dear All, Client/User have some issue while executes the forex calculation with 4 decimals. Decimal places in currencies for Currency Key US4 is maintained for 4 Decimals. For all posting documents document currecny is coming as US4 which is calculating the Entires at 4 decimal - This is casuing problem at FX report run since its reevaluating for small penny Document currency US4 Local currecny USD Group Currency USD. They need to have 4 decimals (.0000) in sales invoices as per there requirements but at the same time when invoices creates in Finance they would like to have only two decimals (.00) it should round up the decimal values. Can anybody help me in resolving the issue. Do we have any standard procedure. What is the other alternative? Regards, Gayatri | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |