Reply from PedroT on Feb 26 at 10:35 AM Hi, SQL 2005 SP4 9.00.5057.00
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Pedro Taveira Sent: Friday, February 20, 2015 1:11 PM Subject: DB01 - Index Analysis Explained Hi, I'm checking the tables wich SQL server recommends new indexes in SAP. This is in Db01->Indexes--> Index Analysis. There are some columns: Load, Avg Ucost, that I understand, but there are 3 that I'm trying to understand Columns contributing to equality predicates Inequality Column needed as covering columns I have something like: Table name:MSEG Load: 500,390 Avg ucost:1,237.3503 %benefit : 83.04 Queries: 487 Columns contributing to equality predicates: MANDT Inequality:BWART Column needed as covering columns: MBLNR, ZEILE, MATNR, WERKS, LGORT, CHARG, INSMK, SOBKZ, KUNNR, KDAUF, KDPOS, SHKZG, BWTAR, MENGE, MEINS, BUKRS Who can explain what kind of index do I need? What is a valid load to start thinking about creating an index? Regards, Pedro | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |