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RE:[sap-acct] Migration of Legacy Lease Assets

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Reply from Ron Roberts on Dec 15 at 2:49 PM
Don't feel bad, I would need a little more explanation myself before I understand the earlier response. Here is one that may be simpler.
You did not tell us whether you are implementing SAP or just the asset accounting sub-ledger or just the leased assets into an existing asset sub-ledger. I'm answering for a complete implementation.
When you load your beginning G/L balances, you must have your lease obligation balance(s) included, probably to a temporary A/P G/L account. To set up the actual open items by vendor, you will need to post a vendor entry, with an offset to this temporary A/P G/L account.
For lease obligations, use SAP transaction FBD1 - Recurring Entry, with credit to the vendor and debit to the temporary A/P account, using the payment amounts and the payment frequency for the life of the lease.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Kanna
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 7:57 AM
Subject: Migration of Legacy Lease Assets

Our client is having legacy lease assets and I have configured all the necessary settings for leases. Now I need to migrate all the legacy lease assets. I am using LSMW to load lease asset master records but now the question is how do I raise vendor open items.

When we create a lease asset we use AS01 and give all the lease information in leasing tab. Using Opening Posting from AS03 we can post value to asset and vendor. but using AS91 we can only post value on asset side how do we post vendor balance.

I will really appreciate if anyone will suggest what is the procedure to meet this requirement.


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Ron Roberts  

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