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Question from DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR on Nov 26 at 11:46 PM Dear All, I have met a error when run job. the error log:ABAP/4 processor: DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR and I have check SM21 &ST22 below is the message: Database error text........: "[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] UNSUCCESSFUL EXECUTION CAUSED BY DEADLOCK OR TIMEOUT. REASON CODE 00C90088, TYPE OF RESOURCE , AND RESOURCE NAME" Internal call code.........: "[RSQL/DELE//SAPAPO/TDPP ]" Processing was terminated because the exception "CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB" occurred in the procedure "/SAPAPO/TDPP_VERSION_DELETE" "(FUNCTION)" but was not handled locally, not declared in theRAISING clause of the procedure. The procedure is in the program "/SAPAPO/SAPLBOM_TDPP ". Its source code starts in line 5 of the (Include) program "/SAPAPO/LBOM_TDPP$07 ". source code: ENDIF. " sy-subrc is initial. * Ressouce consumtion WHEN gc_reqcap. SELECT SINGLE * FROM /sapapo/reqcap INTO ls_reqcap WHERE modeid = lt_tdpp_for_del-objid1 AND resid = lt_tdpp_for_del-objid2. IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL. CLEAR ls_mode-tipp. MODIFY /sapapo/mode FROM ls_mode. ENDIF. " sy-subrc is initial. * Material consumtion WHEN gc_compalt. SELECT * FROM /sapapo/compalt INTO TABLE lt_compalt WHERE amatid = lt_tdpp_for_del-objid1 AND matid = lt_tdpp_for_del-objid2. IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL. LOOP AT lt_compalt INTO ls_compalt. CLEAR ls_compalt-tipp. MODIFY /sapapo/compalt FROM ls_compalt. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. " sy-subrc is initial. WHEN OTHERS. CONTINUE. ENDCASE. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. " AT lt_tdpp_for_del. * and now delete the version dep. data!!! DELETE FROM /sapapo/tdpp "#EC CI_NOFIRST WHERE versioid = i_versioid. ENDFUNCTION. form other people met the error mentioned memory usage. below is my system Memory usage............. Roll..................... 16128 Heap..................... 0 Page..................... 32768 MM Used.................. 10634808 MM Free.................. 1932056 SAP Release.............. "640" who met the same error and how do you resolved it? thanks BR Eva | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |