Reply from Waelz, Dean on Nov 26 at 2:04 PM Hi Liam, - 7f46505211d189550000e829fbbd/frameset.htm - 7f53505211d189550000e829fbbd/content.htm - 8438e181b855e10000009b38f842/content.htm?frameset=/en/9e/8f8438e181b855e10000009b38f842/frames et.htm¤t_toc=/en/74/08703713bf277ee1000000 9b38f8cf/plain.htm&node_id=26 Depending on how it's been set up, it may be that there are BTC WPs being reserved for Class A jobs, resulting in BTC WPs which appear to be 'unused/free' to you. If you find there are Class B/C jobs waiting to run, note how many "free" BTC WPs there are at the time - is it a consistent # each time? Does that # match the # of WPs reserved for Class A jobs (as per links above)? Regards, Dean
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: LiamC Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 9:30 AM Subject: Background Jobs Getting Stuck In Ready Status Hi, When I go into sm37, they show a delay of between 0-60 seconds, however when I go to check status -> start asap, the delay shows the exact length of time its been stuck for only once I've selected this. There are definitely free background processes yes, as it is happening on our dev system too which doesn't have near as much activity. I'm not sure how to check the right type. All I've noticed is that the stuck jobs all appear to be class c jobs. how do I check whether the background processes are set to run these (or not) I think it might be down to an issue with oracle connection between the servers but I'm not sure what is causing it. In the background processes logs there are frequent messages of the work process reconnecting to db: dblink[db_reconnect]: { new_reconnect_message=1 dbcon[db_con_reconnect]: { reco_trials=3, reco_sleep_time=5 00: name=R/3, con_id=000000000, state=INACTIVE , tx=NO , bc=NO , hc=NO , perm=YES, reco=NO , info=NO , timeout=000, con_max=255, con_opt=255, occ=NO , prog= 01: name=R/3*DDFTX, con_id=020000016, state=DISCONNECTED, tx=NO , bc=NO , hc=NO , perm=NO , reco=NO , info=NO , timeout=000, con_max=255, con_opt=255, occ=NO , prog=CL_SQL_CONNECTION=============CP 02: name=R/3*EXPRESSPOPUP, con_id=020000017, state=DISCONNECTED, tx=NO , bc=NO , hc=NO , perm=NO , reco=NO , info=NO , timeout=000, con_max=255, con_opt=255, occ=NO , prog=SAPLSOB5 dbcon[db_con_reconnect]: } rc=0 ***LOG BV4=> reconnect state is set for the work process [dblink 1999] ***LOG BYY=> work process left reconnect status [dblink 2000] dblink[db_reconnect]: } rc=0 ThHdlReconnect: reconnect o.k. Any ideas? Regards, Liam | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |