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Reply from Marcelo Preuss on Nov 26 at 12:19 PM Andreas.... Sorry but it's a bit confused to realize. Try to describe using our usual structure of Cost Freight Document. Shipment Cost (document type) - Shipment Cost Item Category (how many?) --Shipmento Cost SUB-ITEM (how many? informing TAB name as well) ---What Condition Type ZZF1 and ZZF2 should calculate? Where and which grand total should be populated? Do you have any Z formula assigned to those Conditions? Regards, Marcelo Preuss
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Andreas Schwarz Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 10:54 AM Subject: Multiple Lines It Shipment Cost Document Not Transferred It On Customer Invoice Hi Experts, We are currently facing the following problem at our client. We have a freight cost document with multiple line items assigned to different item categories. Each line item has a value but only one line (more or less randomly selected) is being transferred to the customer invoice. The total value of each line item is being calculated into a condition type ZZF1/2. Our requirement is that the sum of all line items is being transferred into the condition type(s) ZZF1/2. The following prerequisites in regards of Customizing are fulfilled: 1. Freight cost condition types are named in the same way and are assigned to the F2 pricing scheme. 2. Price origin in copy control is set to "F". Thanks in advance for all your support and feedback. Regards, Andreas. | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | In the Spotlight Become a blogger at and share your expertise with the community. Start today. _.____.__ |