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RE:[sap-hr] Calculating Redundancy

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Reply from JG-SAPHR on Oct 27 at 11:11 PM
If employee has any infotypes like 0, 1, 7, 8, 27 during the middle of pay period, it causes WPBP split.
WPALL can be used to check if the current period is the last WPBP split in the pay period or the first one(eg. WPALL?LAST - this gives a return Y or N).
It can also be used to set the split to last or first (eg. WPALL=LAST)
As I said if you set the w/t's proc cl 10 to zero, it will not prorate.
I suggest
i) Run payroll sim with log.
ii)Check where the split is causing the problem.
iii)Post the details of that step - input, log for the w/t, output

---------------Original Message---------------
From: SAP-HR17
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 2:27 AM
Subject: Calculating Redundancy

I have scenario as follows:
Payment in lieu of notice and redundancy pay is always higher for one week, (instead of 12 weeks notice it pays 13 and so on). I think that wage type for weekly salary is doing splitting in WPBP and this is causing double processing. Can this be fixed with operation WPALL and if yes how?
Thank you

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