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RE:[sap-log-ps] WBS Settlement Rule for CAPEX Projects

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Reply from RajivSharma on Aug 13 at 1:47 AM
You can directly view the AUC code after released the WBS in Table ANLA. System display the settlement rule in cj20n when you run the settlement first time.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: sapguru02
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 7:53 AM
Subject: WBS Settlement Rule for CAPEX Projects

I am involved in a project and am trying to determine the Settlement Rule for a WBS to settle to an AUC. I have the following question:

The client says they do not want to create the AUC via AS01 and they want the AUC to be created automatically. Is this possible? If yes, what are the steps to generate AUC automatically in the settlement rule?

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