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RE:[sap-log-mm] Create Attachment When We Create A New PR

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Reply from dbcasey on Aug 5 at 10:18 AM
This functionality is now provided in the Enjoy Create Transactions ME51N and ME21N. Please refer to SAP Note #913251 to ensure your system has the applicable Support Package. This note had an adverse side effect for the change transactions ME52N and ME21N, so make sure the correction note 1020056 is also implemented.
Damita Casey

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Traintraveler2030
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 1:25 AM
Subject: Create Attachment When We Create A New PR

Could you tell me how we can create an attachement when we create a PR ?
I know we can do it with the menu in "Services for object" button in ME52n (Change PR).
However in ME51n (Create PR), I can't find this "Services for object" button.

I really appriciate it if you could provide any information on this.

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