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RE: RE:[sap-log-wm] LT22/LT24 Not Giving Results For Specific User

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Reply from yellowdoor on Aug 5 at 10:07 AM
Hi guys,

Thanks for the suggestions.

I have just logged on as the user and can confirm that the LGN PID is accurate and that there are no variant filters set, so I don't think that these are the problems.

I suppose that it is possible that there is a user exit active, but I would be surprised if there was some code designed to specifically ignore requests from one specific user. It is possible though.

We will go down the debug route if need be, but I would appreciate any other ideas for anything else that we could check prior to that.



---------------Original Message---------------
From: Steve McBride
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 8:07 AM
Subject: LT22/LT24 Not Giving Results For Specific User

It's probably a long shot, but have you checked the user's Own data (Parameters) for an LGN setting that might be incorrect (pointing the user to the wrong warehouse)?

Have you checked the Dynamic selections for the user in both transactions?

Am I correct in presuming that the LT22 and LT24 transactions have not been modified in any way? That there are no User Exits active?

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