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[sap-log-sd] Credit Issue in Sales Order

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Question from Umesh on Jun 17 at 11:26 AM
Hi Friends,

I'm currently facing a scenario were it was reported by the client that credit release is happening automatically.

Order was created on 12 May and it was blocked (reaches the VKM1 bucket )

since the customer have no credit limit.The same order on 13th Oct was not in VKM1

bucket were the status of order in Sales document header states that it's released.

I've checked the change log on 13th - "Overall status of credit checks changed" from B to A.

(( Status and details below

A - Credit check was executed and document is OK.

B - Credit check was exectued and Document is not OK (credit block).

C - Credit check was executed document not OK, Partial release.

D- Document released by Sales representative. ))

2, I tried to replicate the order status for block and release, But when I release through VKM1 / VKM3

the change logs are getting updated with Status - D .(ie from B to D) .

I'm wondering that what could be the reason that causes the system to update in the table - VBUK - CMGST from A to B

or because of what change from the client in the sales document header level could impact this changes.

Also there is no changes in order say Price & others

Please Advice
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