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RE:[sap-hr] How to Restrict the PA30 and PA40 for END USER.

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Reply from JG-SAPHR on Jun 20 at 1:36 AM
1. To restrict a user's authority for infotypes like 0, 1, 2, the infotypes are included in a PA40 pers,action type. Others like IT 7, 8, 14, etc are included in another action type. This is the normal way of hiring an employee and getting the person's pers.no. and then the payroll admin will use the second pers.action, which will be a secondary action so that it can be executed on the same day.
2. Dynamic actions are used to send mail after an infotype update, or to insert another infotype like IT 41. From the dynamic actions, a routine (a form in a program) is used to perform more complex calculations or retrieving/updating tables/infotypes, as dynamic actions can be used only to assign a value. The routine can send back to the dynamic action a value to use in inserting an infotype.
3. For complex validations during creating/updating an infotype, ABAP code can be used in the user functions (which use the include LXPADU01 or 02) to validate/process the relevant infotype being maintained.
4. To restrict a user from seeing or updating a field in an infotype, one/more of the following be used:
-- 4.1. Security profile - discuss the requirement with your Security consultant
-- 4.2 ABAP code - In the infotype processing module, before it is displayed, the screen attributes can be modified, using ABAP code. This can be a bAPI, bADI, user exit or ABAP enhancement

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Deepak
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 5:35 AM
Subject: How to Restrict the PA30 and PA40 for END USER.

Dear Experts,

Need so help to resolve the below issue.

Through the ABAP-HR program we want to send an email to the particular mail ID.


while performing PA40 it has give authorization to user to update 0000,0001 and 0002 and it has to block the user not to update further any info type and a mail has to be sent to the mail ID( EX: Superior) which is maintained.


When ever the user want's to update the master data thru PA30 an email has to be sent to the mail id which is maintained to get the approval.

Is it possible to do this with out workflow.

Thanks in Advance.


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