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RE:[sap-basis] Deleting BALDAT Table

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Reply from Snowy on Jun 19 at 3:11 PM

You will need to reorg your table to reclaim back space.

To check status, go in DB02, click on Single table analysis and fetch info for BALDAT. review F1, F2 and F3 values.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: db2dba_admin
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 3:54 AM
Subject: Deleting BALDAT Table

Application Log table is of 28 GB in our environment.

I deleted Log files using - SGL2 After that I did reorg on the table but the table size remains same.

Before deleting - I calculated no.of logs we can delete by choosing
. only calculate how many option

o/p - 10063 deletable logs are there

After deleting - I calculated no.of logs we can delete by choosing
. only calculate how many option

o/p - 76 deletable logs are there

Then I performed Reorg followed by Runstats but size of the table remains same.
When I run the tcode - SGL2 . Its fetching data from BALHDR not from BALDAT.

Please suggest me how to delete the log data from BALDAT.

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