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RE:[sap-abap] Customer Exit Generic DataSource Enhancement (RSAP_0001)

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Reply from ShahidLatif_CAN on Dec 5 at 12:54 PM
Thanks John for the reply, and I have done that.
Also, since Brigitte was already helping me out regarding this issue, and since this new issue was directly related to the old one, I thought of posting it over here in this forum, rather than BW. But, anyways I have done it so, and hopefully somebody would look at it.
Take care.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Shahid Latif
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 4:19 PM
Subject: Customer Exit Generic DataSource Enhancement (RSAP_0001)

Hi there,
Please help, if you can. I am a new ABAPer, so I would really appreciate if you could detail the steps thoroughly.

I have a scenario where I am stuck, and just wondering if anybody would be kind enough to please help me out. I have two questions mainly, regarding my issue.

First of all, I have created a DataSource.


off of my InfoSet.

which is based on the table
Table : BSEG

Extract Structure : ZOXID30328
Extractor : ZMYINFOSET

I have then enhanced the DataSource with one field only "BKTXT" coming out of the table,
Table : BKPF

I have, then, checked in the RSA3, and all the data was being extracted fine, with no errors.
Next, I have tried to use the CMOD Enhancement "EXIT_SAPLRSAP_001", to populate the data in the enhanced field "BKTXT".

I enter the following code in there, and activate the enhancement without any errors in CMOD, and the project is activated as well over there.

Code :

DATA: l_s_ZOXID30328 LIKE ZOXID30328,

CASE i_datasource.


LOOP AT c_t_data INTO l_s_ZOXID30328.

l_tabix = sy-tabix.

SELECT SINGLE bktxt FROM bkpf INTO l_s_ZOXID30328-zzbktxt

WHERE bukrs = l_s_ZOXID30328-bukrs

AND belnr = l_s_ZOXID30328-belnr

AND gjahr = l_s_ZOXID30328-fiscper+0(4).

MODIFY c_t_data FROM l_s_ZOXID30328 INDEX l_tabix.





I then, goto RSA3, to make sure the newly made enhancement works fine or not, and I get the following error :

The Current ABAP program "SAPLRSAP" had to terminated because it has come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.

The following syntax error occurred in the program "SAPLXRSA " in include
"ZVENKATA ==================E " in line 5:

Unable to interpret "I_DATASOURCE". Possible causes of error: Incorrec"
"t spelling or comma error"
" "
" "

Also, the second question is this.
Since the original SAP supplied DataSource which I tried to copy but couldn't do it (0FI_GL_4), I end up making my own DataSource (ZBSEG_DATASOURCE). There was one field that was in the DataSource (0FI_GL_4), that I couldn't get in my DataSource (ZBSEG_DATASOURCE), and that field is used in the code above. That field was :

Component Type : RSFISCPER
Short Description : Fiscal year / period

Just wondering if I take out the following line from the code, will it make any difference or not?
AND gjahr = l_s_ZOXID30328-fiscper+0(4).

I will modify the following line which is just before the above line with the "Period".

AND belnr = l_s_ZOXID30328-belnr.



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