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RE:[sap-log-wm] Handling Unit Refers to an Inbound Delivery - Can't Enter the HU to Bin

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Reply from Suresh0452 on Nov 27 at 12:08 PM
Hi Hami,

1. When you are doing 321, system wanted to know which HU is suppose to do conversion from QI to unrestricted out of total stock. While TO creation you have to enter the QI related HUs to do the conversion / transfer posting.

2. System will always expect the HU for the HU managed warehouse / storage location while doing the goods movement activity. So before trying to create the TO through LT09, please enter the HU's in the inbound delivery by using VL32N transaction through packing option and then you can do the TO & GR.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Tami Hamer-Weiss
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 5:39 PM
Subject: Handling Unit Refers to an Inbound Delivery - Can't Enter the HU to Bin

Hi All,

I have two problems regarding HU.

1. We use quality inspection. During usage decision we do mvt. 321. We work WM & HU. In four plants when
we do usage decision - A0, it post material document with mvt. 321. In our new plant it is create transfer
order and try to connect the HU automatically.
If it is not able to determine which HU to connect we get an error.

What do we have to do so the new plant not have transfer order but material document?

2. We are using inbound delivery (GR) for purchase order, pack the goods to HU in WM warehouse.
If the material does not have quality inspection, while doing LT09 we get error that the HU assign to
object. It looks like the HU still connect to the inbound delivery.
How we can solve the problems?

Thanks in advance,

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