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Reply from avikg on Apr 30 at 10:02 AM Thanks Neal, I found a reply from SAP and according to them, it's not possible in ECC 6.0. But somehow I have to find a way out to display the same. I have to check with now enhancement or BADI on the same. Not only plant, there are several other fields like ACGL_ITEM_VALUT (Value data ), ACGL_ITEM_VBUND (Trading partner), ACGL_ITEM_GRICD (Activity code), ACGL_ITEM_GRIRG (Region), ACGL_ITEM_GITYP (Distrib.type for employ tax), ACGL_ITEM_FKON (Fin. Budget item), ACGL_ITEM_ETEN2 (Sched. Line is sales order), ACGL_ITEM_WERKS (Plnt), ACGL_ITEM_EBELN (Purch.doc.), ACGL_ITEM_EBELP (Purchase document item number), ACGL_ITEM_PRCTR (Partner profit center), ACGL_ITEM_BEWAR (Trans. type), ACGL_ITEM_MATNR (material valuat. type) and ACGL_ITEM_BWTAR (Material valuation type) which cannot be used as input fields in ECC 6.0 Regards, Avik
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Avik Ghosh Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 6:09 AM Subject: Plant Field in G/L Account Tab in MIRO Transaction In ECC 5.0 we can see Plant field in G/L Account tab in MIRO transaction, however in ECC 6.0 the plant field is missing and the option for the Table control is also not there for which is there in ECC 5.0. How can we retrieve the missing field? | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |