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Reply from sumitsachdeva on Nov 15 at 7:15 AM Dear Shinu, In that case system is deriving profit center from your cost center (FB50 Case) which you mentioned When we create cost center master data we enter profit center there itself. so whenever we pass entry of a cost center system automatically took profit center from it Regards Sumit Sachdeva
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Shinu Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 7:02 AM Subject: Document Splitting Error Profit Center Validating Hi.. See, I am in FB50. I am Debiting Expenses with a cost Center and i am Crediting Bank A/C . In the bank Line item, I am not giving PCA. and i am able to save this.. n my last Implementation, if i try an entry like above without Profit Center n the bank line item, it will throw Error " Line item 001 missing xxxxxx".. I tried this with my old system and there it is stopping.. But in my new implementation, without PCA the above entry accepting.. Forget bout Customer and Vendor.... If possible help me on the above entry.... Regards Shinas | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |