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Reply from sridharca on Aug 7 at 1:02 PM For the first error- 1) Check your settings in 'Make default settings' task in the IMG -one node above the create batch session- In this task you define the accounts and the cost element category. On the second one 1) Did you execute and check the results of the background job created? Sridhar
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: anidas Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 2:59 PM Subject: Error Message While Creating the Batch Input Hi, I am getting an error message while creating the batch input session: Controlling->cost element a/c->master data->cost element->automatic creation of primary and secondary elements->create batch input session Controlling area- PW01 Valid from- 01.06.2011 Valid to- 31.12.9999 Session Name- SAPUSER Batch Input user- SAPUSER Click on "Execute (f8)" Error Message:- No data for the creation of the batch input session found in CO area PW01. But, if i select it as " execute in background" Its giving me the below message as- "Background job was scheduled for program RKBIKA00 Please help!! Thanks & Regards | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |