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Re: [sap-dev] Leading Zeros from Alphanumerical Material

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Reply from mic-bv on Jun 19 at 9:33 AM
Neal, not completely. If the Materialnumber is not numeric, it will be
returned as it is, for example:

ABC123 -> ABC123
123 -> 000000000000000123
1 23 -> 1 23

(and vice versa). But I guess you knew that ;)

Stefan Vermeulen

---------------Original Message---------------
From: R. N. Wilhite
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 9:22 AM
Subject: Leading Zeros from Alphanumerical Material

You are basically there. With CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_OUTPUT you feed
it 000000000000ABC123
and it returns ABC123. If on the otherhand, you have ABC123 and you feed
it to CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_INPUT, you'll get back 000000000000ABC123. So
you could then use it in the DB.

Now, you will wonder how to find out these wonderful facts for your self in
the future... Say you notice that any field is displayed on the screen as
X but stored in the DB as Y. There is probably going to be a conversion
exit involved. Drill down on the DB field into its Data Element (DE).
From there drill down on the Data Domain (DD). In the definition tab, near
the bottom, you see "convers. routine". Drill into that. Not you see the
FM's for the conversion routine.

It's magic!


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