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RE: [sap-dev] Leading Zeros from Alphanumerical Material

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Reply from Diquito on Jun 19 at 8:36 AM
Hi Arbis82,

Thanks for your reply.

I can understand it seems confusing reading the post now.. with add I mean that I have to add the leading zeros for the system to approve the alphanumerical material numbers.

Instead of populating the material number with ABC123
I have to populate it with 000000000000ABC123 for the system to accept it.

How does the CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_OUTPUT work? Do I call the FM or do I do changes in it?

I have tried the CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_OUTPUT but it seems to work only with numerical value and not with alphanumerical.

David Fuentes
Material Master CPE

---------------Original Message---------------
From: David Fuentes
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 5:55 PM
Subject: Leading Zeros from Alphanumerical Material

Hi All,
I need to remove the leading zeros from the alphanumerical material ids.

The system is set up without the lexicographical check box checked and the leading zeros is not checked either.

The issue is that for all the alphanumerical MATNR we need to add the leading zeros otherwise we get and error message saying that the material number in not in the correct range. As soon as we add the leading zeros the material is created accordingly.

How can you remove the leading zeros in the input and output? This is really annoying!

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