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RE:[sap-hr] Unemployment Form in PU19 Not Showing the Correct Rate for Nevada in Line 1d

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Reply from Janett on Apr 10 at 11:00 AM
Do I need to configure the taxtype 16 in BTXRATE?

What happen with the SUTA calculation in this case, it will be calculated based on 0.0295 or 0.03?

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Janett
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 9:19 PM
Subject: Unemployment Form in PU19 Not Showing the Correct Rate for Nevada in Line 1d

The configuration in table BTXRATE is: experience rate 0.030000 and maximum salary: 26,400, in V_T5UTX : Tax Type 10: tax rate: 0.030000, and tax type: 16, tax rate: 0.000500.
When I run the form in PU19, is showing in line 1d: UI =3.0% CEP = 0.05%
and should be: 1d: UI = 2.95% CEP = 0.05%

My question is: how can I fix this? Do I need to change the rates for tax type 10 and 16 in table V_T5UTX? The problem is, that in this table the rates are not set up by company, and I will need different rates for different companies for the state of NV.

My understanding is that the tax reporter (PU19) is based on the information from table BTXRATE, and the overrides from BSI, I have the same information set up in both, and it is showing the rate in the form from V_T5UTX.

I have more states in the same situation.

Please advise as soon as possible, because I need this get fixed this week.

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