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RE:[sap-acct] SAP - CIN implementation

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Reply from Krishna on Apr 13 at 1:57 PM
Hello Martin,

I would like know about your cash basis accounting scenario. I am also looking at similar requirement where customer has leading ledger based on accrual accounting and wanted to have parallel (non-leading) ledger based on cash basis accounting. Its not for public sector and i am wondering how did you manage to prevent certain postings into CBA ledger as SAP makes subledger entries/ postings on GL account on open item into both leading/non-leading ledger. Appreciate if you can throw some light on it.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Martin Weakley
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 4:15 AM
Subject: SAP - CIN implementation

Hello Experts
In our scenario, we will be using the Leading Ledger for Accrual Accounting, while the Non-Leading Ledger will be used for Cash Based Accounting. They have different fiscal years. It is required, for management effectiveness to capture transactions on accrual basis (leading ledger), but as far as tax reporting is concerned, it will be on cash basis (non-leading ledger).
We are concerned that the CIN standard processes and SAP reports (TDS and Challans) will not work. We would like to know if there are concerns that we need to consider when implementing SAP with the CIN as indicated above. Various Forums have been searched yet we cannot find any information concerning this topic if there are any limitations or knowledge about this topic please let me know.
Best Regards,

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