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RE:[sap-acct] Do Document Text IDS Affect Remittance Advice Text?

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Reply from sanand0987 on Apr 13 at 1:46 PM
Hi Nikki,

Thanks for the answer. So you mean defining document text ids will affect remittance advice text, so how do they affect?
How is the remittance advice text is affected using the following values -

Payment advice information
Remarks EBPP
Confirming documents
Document date


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Nikki Klein
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 1:09 PM
Subject: Do Document Text IDS Affect Remittance Advice Text?

Hi Anand

The standard remittance advice will print the line item text on the invoice provided you insert an * (asterisk) in front of the text. I would assume that the same applies if you pull in a text id instead.


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