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RE: [sap-dev] Useful Global Classes and Methods

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Reply from soldner on Apr 24 at 6:45 AM
LOL!!! Doomed more likely. How about someone starting a blog where each contributor can list the function modules or classes s/he uses on to solve a particular issue, or one they found fun to use. A copy and paste with a little explanation might be easy enough for many to use. AND do not give examples/detailed instructions/newbie proof these? Let those questions be another thread.


Used in a report that needs to get a UNIX file. Reads the unix dir/file.

directory = '/public/'
serverfile = p_unix
canceled_by_user = 1

---------------Original Message---------------
From: philip_jones2003
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 6:24 AM
Subject: Useful Global Classes and Methods

Anyone tried putting 'Useful ABAP Classes' or 'Useful ABAP Methods' in to Google? You dont always get what you were expecting.

Ive used CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES which has lots of interesting stuff but I cant find a list of other classes/methods that could be useful.

I appreciate this is a 'how long is a piece of string' question but I seem regularly to come across articles that feature some really cool class/methods tucked away in some quiet corner of the SAP respository, disturbed by noone.

Its not unlike SE37 with all those FMs that you see and think: 'I will keep that one in mind'.

Few things more frustrating when after writing some lengthy code, some smarkalec comes along and says : 'There is a method call for that'

Is there a 'most used by ABAPers' list of class/methods or are we doomed to just read the telephone directories of methods in the hope of finding something that might one day be useful?

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