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Re: [sap-acct] Problem With Profit Center Assignment in Document Splitting

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Reply from mohammed manan on Mar 21 at 2:37 PM
First, I am confused because there is no dummy profit center in New g/l,

So, why and how you use dummy profit center in New g/l?

Clear that point, maybe we can help.

Mohammed manan

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Gregory Brown
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 1:08 PM
Subject: Problem With Profit Center Assignment in Document Splitting

I have the following document splitting problem/issue.


My receivable accounts are (121000 – recon account; 125300 – 125630 are credit card receivable accounts)
The configuration for these accounts from a document splitting standpoint have the category set up as 02000 (customer).

I have a credit card clearing account (113200) which is automatically posted to via a Paymetrics settlement process (credit the Credit Card Receivable account and debit the Credit Card Clearing account. The configuration for this account from a document splitting standpoint has the category set up as 04000 (cash account).

My dummy profit center is YB999; my zero balance account is 295001.

When a settlement FI document is generated by paymetrics where multiple profit centers are involved, I get the following entry:

P Acct Description Amount Profit Center
40 113200 Credit Card clear 96.49 YB999
50 125300 Act Recvb-Visa 43.50- P74D2002
50 125300 Act Recvb-Visa 52.99- P74D2003
40 295001 Zero Bal Clear 52.99 P74D2003
50 295001 Zero Bal Clear 52.99- YB999
40 295001 Zero Bal Clear 43.50 P74D2002
50 295001 Zero Bal Clear 43.50- YB999

What I want the entry to be is as follows;
40 113200 Credit Card clear 43.50 P74D2002
40 113200 Credit Card clear 52.99 P74D2003
50 125300 Act Recvb-Visa 43.50- P74D2002
50 125300 Act Recvb-Visa 52.99- P74D2003

If there is only on profit center involved in the paymetric settlement process, I get exactly what I want.
40 113200 Credit Card clear 43.50 P74D2002
50 125300 Act Recvb-Visa 43.50- P74D2002

The inheritance box was checked during the activation of document splitting.
Can someone provide me with information regarding the configuration changes that I need to make so that processing does not go through the clearing account and the dummy profit center?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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