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RE:[sap-log-mm] Transaction to Show Dates a Batch is Created and Moved from QI to Unrestricted Status

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Reply from jtannehill on Feb 29 at 2:25 PM
No, we don't use QM, unfortunately. I was able to use MB51 with movement types 101 & 321 to see when the product was produced, and when it moved from QI to Unrestricted.
I think this will work for us.

Thanks again for all the great help everyone! It's great to have a knowledgable group of SAP users to tap into when needed. Hope I can repay the favor sometime.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Jeff Tannehill
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 2:17 PM
Subject: Transaction to Show Dates a Batch is Created and Moved from QI to Unrestricted Status

Hi Everyone, Is there a report/query that shows the dates a batch is created, and then the date it moves into and out of Quality Inspection into Unrestricted status? We need to provide our QC dept. with a report that shows them the lag time between batch creation & approval, and which batches are still in QI status. The intent is to get them to approve batches more quickly.

Many thanks in advance!

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