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RE:[sap-acct] Error in Remittance Challan msg 8I702

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Reply from sadashivan on Feb 9 at 12:01 AM
Dear Sanjay,

Message class 8I
Message Number 702
Message Text No unpaid tax lines exist for the given selection criteria.
Possible Reasons:
9 Incorrect Selection Parameters
9 Non updation of section code for tax lines
9 Incorrect recipient type
9 Mismatch in line item numbers
9 Documents Parked and Posted.
9 Miro Reversal Documents
Code Causing the error:
Incorrect Selection Parameters:
Check the parameters like posting date, section code, vendor account & tax code
Non updation of section code for tax lines
For a document to be picked up during j1inchln, section code must be present for the EWT lines.
The section code gets copied from the vendor line item.
The following settings are mandatory:
a) Activation of component "IND" in table TRWCA
b) Presence of Function Module J_1IEWT_UPDATE_SECCO in Table TRWPR. -Refer SAP Note No.
1273262 in this regard.
c) For Cross Company Code Documents, ensure that SAP Note No. 1118159 is present in your system.
d) If you have any substitution for Section Code, Please check the same. There is no SAP predefined
substitution for section code.
Incorrect recipient type
Please ensure that the document has field QSREC filled in table with_item.
The input parameter for recipient type field in j1inchln selection screen should have the same value as
with_item – qsrec.
Mismatch in line item numbers
In a case whether there is a mismatch between line item numbers in table bseg (bseg-buzei) and line
item numbers in table with_item ( with_item-j_1ibuzei) for tax lines ( bseg-ktosl = WIT) such documents
will not get picked up during challan process.
Ensure that the following notes are present in your system.
SAP Note No. 1412211
SAP Note No. 1097101.
SAP Note No. 1145001.
For documents which has already been posted before applying the above , please run the report given in
the note 885213.
Documents Parked and Posted.
In case of documents which are parked and posted, the field wt_stat in table with_item should be
checked. The said field should be BLANK. In case if contains the value "V" then such documents will not
get picked up during challan processing.
SAP Note No. 519861 has the solution for this issue. This note has solution in 2 parts.
The code corrections present in note 519861 will take care of future postings.
The report Z_RFWT0540 which is present in note 519861 needs to be executed to correct the
Database for documents posted before applying the note 519861.
Miro Reversal Documents
If the original MIRO document and the reversed MIRO document are processed in the same challan,
then both the documents will NOT get picked up for processing.
Ensure that SAP Note No. 1244222 is present in your system so that the system will NOT allow you
To reverse the invoice document once the tax line items are cleared.
To know the system behavior in this regard, put a break point in
Routine process_miro_reversals > program - J_1I_CHALLAN_UPDATE.
In addition to the error mentioned above, the points given in the "SOLUTION" part above, needs to be
checked for a case where a document is not getting picked up for challan processing,
Message class 8I
Message Number 703
Message Text Withholding section &1 not fully maintained or does not exist
Possible Reasons:
9 Non –maintenance of tax key in tax code customization.
Code Causing the error:
Routine : Form CHECK_SECTION
Ensure that you have maintained the official tax key at the time of defining withholding tax code.
Message class 8I
Message Number 704
Message Text Number group not maintained for CO code & section & and business place &
Possible Reasons:
9 Incorrect Customization
9 Non Maintenance of Table entry
Code Causing the error:
Ensure that you have maintained the required values in the following customization node.
SPRO -- > Financial Accounting -- > Financial Accounting Global Settings -- > Withholding Tax -- >
Extended Withholding Tax -- > Postings -- > India -- > Remittance Challans -- > Maintain Number Groups.
This will update the table J_1IEWTNUMGR_1.
Message class 8I
Message Number 705
Message Text Number key not found
Possible Reasons:
9 Incorrect Customization
9 Non Maintenance of Table entry
Code Causing the error:
Ensure that you have maintained the required values in the following customization node.
SPRO -- > Financial Accounting -- > Financial Accounting Global Settings -- > Withholding Tax -- >
Extended Withholding Tax -- > Postings -- > India -- > Remittance Challans -- > Assign Number Ranges to
Number Groups
This will update the table J_1IEWTNUM.
Message class 8I
Message Number 706
Message Text Number range for internal challan numbers not maintained
Possible Reasons:
9 Incorrect Customization
9 Non Maintenance of Table entry
Code Causing the error:
Ensure that you have maintained the required values in the following customization node.
SPRO -- > Financial Accounting -- > Financial Accounting Global Settings -- > Withholding Tax --
>Extended Withholding Tax -- > Postings -- > India -- > Remittance Challans -- > Maintain Number Ranges
Message class 8I
Message Number 707
Message Text Business Place for document &1 could not be determined
Possible Reasons:
9 Missing link between Business Place and Section Code.
Code Causing the error:
Routine : Form CHECK_BUPLA
Though we have migrated from Business Place to Section Code, there are a couple of places where the
EWT program reads/checks for Business Place Also. To overcome this, SAP recommends you to create a
Dummy Business Place with the same name as that of Section Code.
The above listed errors are the most frequently faced errors during execution of j1inchln. For any other
Errors faced during challan execution, please raise an SAP Message under the component XX-CSC-IN-FI

---------------Original Message---------------
From: sanjaydk012
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 1:13 AM
Subject: Error in Remittance Challan msg 8I702

Hi friends,

The following error mg appeared while processing remittance challans for TDS...

No unpaid tax lines exist for the given selection criteria.
Message no. 8I702

The corresponding withholding tax line &1& is not present in WITH_ITEM table.

System Response
For withholding tax recovered from the vendor, tax line is present in table BSIS, but the corresponding entry is missing in table WITH_ITEM , which is necessary for challan updation. Check the entries.

check entries in table WITH_ITEM for the open tax items chosen for clearing.

An early response would be highly appreciated.

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