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RE:[sap-scripting-l] "no data was selected" Message in SAP

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Posted by trumptmast
on Oct 31 at 1:50 PM
Thanks Wes, your method worked perfectly.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: trumptmast
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 6:49 PM
Subject: "no data was selected" Message in SAP

Hi all,

I am new to this site and to SAP scripting. I have a question regarding to how to bypass SAP error messages while running an Excel macro.

I recently played around with SAP script recording and Excel macro. So far, I have been able to run the recorded script from SAP in Excel VBA for report gathering and formatting.

Here is what I have so far:
1. Login to SAP through Excel
2. Copies data from Excel and paste into SAP Query #1
3. Export result from Query #1 to Excel and then format in Excel
4. Copy formatted data from Excel and paste in to SAP Query #2
5. Export result from Query #2 to Excel and then format in Excel

The problem arise at step 4. Sometimes Query #2 comes up empty and displays "No data was selected". This stops the Excel macro because the SAP code is recorded based off when there are data returned from Query #2. Is there a way to continue running the Excel macro and bypass the error?

I don't want it go straight to the next section of the code through error handling in Excel as there may be other errors during the SAP automation. So it will have to be conditional to only when running Query #2 with the "No data was selected" error.

Thanks for your help!

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