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RE:[sap-hr] In RPTIME00 the Holiday Class is Not Getting Recognized

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Posted by JG-SAPHR (Senior SAP HR Consultant)
on Oct 19 at 9:54 PM

If you have changed the Hol.calendar after generating the WS in PT01, then unless you regenerate the WS for the period from when the new Holiday/s are to be in the WS, the WS would have the old details only re: holidays.
Check the date from which the new hol.calendar is to be used.
Then from that month to say 2 years, regenerate the WS for all WSR's using the hol.cal. It is best to generate in batch using wildcard selection or asterisk wherever possible and report errors only. This will replace all the WS's for the selected months.

The changes need to be transported to QA & Prod systems/clients.

Then only in the prod client, you can see the changed hol. As Ana said, in PA20 for IT 7, 2001/2/3, see the WS. Navigate to the month you need and check if the hol exists with the correct Hol.class. You can see this in PT03 also.

Regards, JG

---------------Original Message---------------
From: chris reddy
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 10:04 AM
Subject: In RPTIME00 the Holiday Class is Not Getting Recognized

In time evaluation, P2000 Load daily WS with planned pair is not recognizing the Holiday Class. This is a SAP issue and hopefully someone else has already found this bug and there is a note to be applied.

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