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RE:[sap-acct] Program RFFOAVIS_FPAYM: No records selected (F0073)

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Posted by Kalsandor (Professional Certified Consultant-Controlling )
on Oct 20 at 9:21 PM
Did your abap use the correct formatting for the desired remittance adv. template layout?

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Concatenator
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 6:18 PM
Subject: Program RFFOAVIS_FPAYM: No records selected (F0073)

Hi everyone

im having a nasty issue when trying to output payment advices
no matter what usual way i try, i get the following message:
Program RFFOAVIS_FPAYM: No records selected

im using RFFOAVIS_FPAYM as print program, which is standard - nothing has been changed in it
and tried outputing the paymend advices through F110 aswell as RFFOAVIS_FPAYM directly
both results in the same message

after a while of searching i found note 503945
unfortunately it applies to release 4.6C while we are using ecc6

neitherless i found REGUH-XAVIS interesting, as in our case they also seemed to be all space.
so i tried setting the CHECK REGUH-XAVIS... in the report to 'X' which gave me an output in some cases,
in others still the same message. and in the cases where it worked, some forms came out with lots of 'XXXXXX' where other values where supposed - probably because those wherent intended to be output in the first place?

we have also doublechecked the customizing with a different system, where it works
and couldnt find any assimilarities

has anyone experienced this issue too? or know anything that might help?

thank you!

PS: it seems to be the same problem with report RFFOAVIS too

seems to be having the same issue, but didnt get any help yet. im hoping that eventually someone with some input might read this post. then i can also give Tehanu a hint.

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