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RE:[sap-hr] Wage type rate

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Posted by Janett
on Sep 2 at 3:16 PM
Thanks for your quickly response Samir, I am trying to follow step by step, but I do not find the personnel calculation, I am supposing there are one that do something similar, is the X015 Valuation of time wage types, and the code is the following:

X015 Valuation of time wage types
AMT?0 Comparison
ADDWT * OT Output table
NUM?0 Comparison
RTE?0 Comparison
MULTI NRA Multipl.amt/no/rate
ADDWT * OT Output table
VALBS? ?Eval.WT in 512W?
GCY X016 With exact w.types
VALBS0 Eval.0.WT in 512W
ADDNA * Combine no. + amt.
FILLF N Fill amt/no/rate
WGTYP=* Set wage type
VALBS1 Eval.1st WT in 512W
ADDNA * Combine no. + amt.
FILLF N Fill amt/no/rate
WGTYP=* Set wage type
VALBS2 Eval.2nd WT in 512W
ADDNA * Combine no. + amt.
ADDWT * OT Output table

there is another one X016

X016 Special processing for the valuation of time wa
VWTCL 15 Processing class
ADDWT * OT Output table
MEANV 01 Calc.of average
MULTI NRA Multipl.amt/no/rate
ADDNA * Combine no. + amt.
MEANV 02 Calc.of average
MULTI NRA Multipl.amt/no/rate
ADDNA * Combine no. + amt.
ABEVL? Absence periods
MEANV 10 Calc.of average
MULTI NRA Multipl.amt/no/rate
ADDNA * Combine no. + amt.
MEANV 10 Calc.of average
MULTI NRA Multipl.amt/no/rate
ADDNA * Combine no. + amt.
ZERO= NA AmtNumRteTime = 0
ELIMI * Elim.time period ID
ADDNAE/02A Combine no. + amt.
RTE=L /02A Set
MULTI NRA Multipl.amt/no/rate
ADDNA * Combine no. + amt.
ZERO= NA AmtNumRteTime = 0
ELIMI * Elim.time period ID
ADDNAE/02A Combine no. + amt.
RTE=L /02A Set
MULTI NRA Multipl.amt/no/rate
ADDNA * Combine no. + amt.

Could you please tell me if there should be another kind of personnel calculation, or should I do one of this one?
I did not find anyone which is related with constants, one of the WT that actually is taking a $1.00 is a Lead Pay wage type, and it has related the LPAY constant, and I don't find any personnel calculation rule which is related with this.

Can you please help me?


---------------Original Message---------------
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 2:43 AM
Subject: Wage type rate

Hi, Janett

You have to create new specification for processing class in this directory:
SPRO- Payroll- Payroll for specific country- Basic Settings-Environment of Wage Type Maintenance- Processing and Evaluation Classes- Maintain Processing Classes and Their Specifications

Then you have to assign this specification for processing class to the relevant wage type in the table V_512W_D

Finally you have to define calculation process in the personnel calculation rule for wage type valuation which is using in your payroll scheme.

For example your new created constant name is XXXXX. Then your new calculation process in the rule approximately will be like this:
MULTI RNA Multipl.amt/no/rate
ADDWT * OT Output table

Thanks & regards
Samir Musayev

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