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RE:[sap-dev] Smartforms error173

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Posted by ani_agr
on Sep 19 at 4:32 AM
I was also facing a similar issue and I solved it by adjusting the height.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Unknown User
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 10:25 AM
Subject: Smartforms error173

As I discovered, this error occurred when there is a conflict between
the window created for a template and the template itself. The main node
for the template is the window in which one can define a height. In the
template, which is the node below the window node, one is also required
to enter a value for height that has to be the same value. This can be
done in the Template table (tab Template), you'll find the height
defined that is in conflict with the height defined in the table of the

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