Hi All, apo=dp(demand planning)+snp(supply networking planning)+gatp(global available to promise)+ppds(production planning with detail scheduling)+tpvs(transport planning and vehicle scheduling)+deployment+tlb(transport load buffer) scm=apo+snc(supply network collaboration)+event management+ewa(extended warehouse management) Live cache is an object based technological enhancement for MaxDB.And developed to manage complex objects in SCM/APO.In solutions of this type, large volumes of data must be permanently available and modifiable. You can use SAP liveCache technology to represent data structures and data flows (such as networks and relationships) more easily and effectively.In contrast to MaxDB, with an optimally configured SAP liveCache database instance, all data which must be accessible to the database system is located in the main memory. In simple words.liveCache is one of the database used in APO system.APO system has 2 database APODB and liveCache.Generally master data and some other data are stored in APODB.And some part of transaction data (most of the part) are stored in livecache. For APODB, you can use normal DB like Oracle, MSSQL, DB2, MAXDB.For liveCache, their is no choice. (liveCache is one of the function of MaxDB) From new SCM release, you can use MAXDB for APODB and liveCache.Compared to normal DB, liveCache has more bigger datacache. Therefore;all data can be stored in dataCache and so require more physical memory too Since most of the data are stored in dataCache (it is better to store in datacache) Otherwise expensive disk access occur), APO application can access data speedly.But(liveCache data is accessed by special routines that are called from function module start with /sapapo/OM* liveCache is often called memory based database. But actually it also has DB (disk). So same as other DB, DB(disk) has all data. And its copy is stored in dataCache (memory). The difference between other DB and liveCache is, it is recommended to store all the data in dataCache in liveCache, and if most of the data is stored in liveCache, this means data is on memory. Therefore liveCache is called memory based database. And liveCache technology significantly increases the speed of the algorithmically complex, data- and runtime-intensive functions of various SAP applications, especially within SAP Supply Chain Management. It combines the advantages of main memory-based data retention with a complete operating concept, with backup & recovery. The application functions are provided by database procedures (liveCache Applications) are extremely faster to access all application data which can completely cached in main-memory and are organized in relational but mainly object oriented manner. The SAP liveCache technology can be characterized by a hybrid main-memory database with intensive usage of database procedure. Hope u get understand of this Regards Ram
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Rajesh Jaria Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 4:42 PM Subject: Supply Chain Management and APO Hello gurus, I could not figure out the difference between SAP Supply Chain Management and APO and LiveCache. Can anyone please guide me? Raj. | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Popular White Papers In the Spotlight _.____.__ |