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RE:[sap-acct] Why use F-53 when I can pay through F110 instead?

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Posted by Subhendu G (SAP certified FI solution Consultant, Asst.Manager IT)
on May 4 at 2:44 AM
It based on the requirement you have. For a single payment either you run
F-53 and then update cheque no allocation later with FCH5. Rather, It is
better to use F-58 where cheque print will be done at the same time.

But as per me F110 usage is where you are going to pay for a lot/batch few
nos of Vendors at the same time since effort to run F110 is not feasible
for a single document. Rest is your choice whether u run F-53/F-58 or


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---------------Original Message---------------
From: effurun
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 2:32 AM
Subject: Why use F-53 when I can pay through F110 instead?

Exactly Don. You can actually use F110 to run single payments. Just as pointed out by you, I have asked my clients to ignore F-53 completely, as their current requirement does not include Cheque payments! No one would be assigned that transaction code, and none would be trained on it either.

I am also recommending the use of FVB1, and FVB0 for posting transactions relating to transfer of funds between bank accounts.

I guess I'll stick to F110 for now.

Thanks guys! I'm enriched.....

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Subhendu G
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