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RE:[sap-acct] Exchange Rate difference still showing in CKM3 after invoice reversal

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Posted by wnash7658 (SAP Specialist and Project Leader)
on May 3 at 5:43 AM

Suggest you review 908737 - Post Closing in Material Ledger.



---------------Original Message---------------
From: tennis
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 2:25 AM
Subject: Exchange Rate difference still showing in CKM3 after invoice reversal

Hi All,
We have an issue where the user manually enters in the vendors exchange rate when doing the invoice. When doing this they have entered the wrong exchange rate of a large amount. the amount shows up in CKM3 ExRt. Diff column. The user has then reversed(MRM8) the invoice however the difference still shows in the CKM3 ExRt. Diff column and the reversal amount is posted in the price different column. Can someone please confirm if the is standard practice or is there a config step missing or setup incorrectly? Thanks

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