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RE:[sap-log-sd] Goods issue not possible due to block

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Posted by giemoss
on Jan 2 at 8:21 PM
Warren, Rai,

The error message when i checked in movement type 453 is "Deficit of BA Ret. blocked..", then when i choose movement type 321, the error message was "Deficit of BA Stck. in qual.insp.."

---------------Original Message---------------
From: giemoss
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2010 7:51 AM
Subject: Goods issue not possible due to block

Hi all,

I want to do return delivery but i got "Goods issue not possible due to block" error message. Could anyone help me how to clear this? Closing date is around the corner and i really need to solve this urgently :'(

thanks a lot guys...

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