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RE:[sap-hr] Recommending SAP HR service for my client via SaaS / Cloud computing

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Posted by Krishna.Prasad
on Jan 2 at 11:20 AM
Hi Vamsi / Tom,

Can you please point out some sources for checking on how to implement cloud in SAP HCM space. Do we really have benefit from SAP HCM on SAP. If you folks have any material/document for the same, can you please forward it to my mail ID: email@removed

Thanks & Regards,
Krishna Prasad.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: gotovamsee
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2010 5:57 PM
Subject: Recommending SAP HR service for my client via SaaS / Cloud computing

Hello All,

Is this too early to think about suggesting cost effective SaaS model for my client who is expecting to get ESS / MSS services to their 100-150 employees? They are already using SAP HR services in R/3 setup.

I dont see any successful vendors providing such an on demand services yet. Even SAP is more interested in offering this By Demand model for limited modules to Big and Large clients only.

Do you really suggest to wait and check out for low cost SaaS options or hit the floor implementing ourselves, On Premise SAP self services conventionally as required for this small 150 EE's Operations and Maintenance for Power Plant client?

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