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RE: [sap-log-sd] FD32: zero credit limit for all sales orders

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Posted by Jaderka (SAP specialist & project manager)
on Dec 8 at 3:33 AM
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Check this set up:

Credit limit management:
SM30 - Table/View * V_TVTW - Define Distribution Channel
* V_TVTA_KKB - Assign sales area to credit control area
* V_T014 - FI - Define Credit Control Area
* T001CM - FI - Assign Permitted Credit Control Area to company code
OVXG- Set up Sales Areas
FD32- Customer Credit Management
OVAK- Define credit limit check by sales document type
* Check Credit
o A - Credit limit check and warning message
o B - Credit limit check and error message (no sales order can be created)
o C - Credit limit check and delivery block (block delivery if hit credit limit)
+ Options B and C -> used for checking open order values (when you create/change the sales order)
o D - Automatic credit control with open order values
+ More control in transaction OVA8 - Automatic credit control
+ You check for open orders and deliveries, or just open deliveries.
+ or open order values with other options
* Credit group
o Allows you to combine different sales document types for the credit limit check
VKM1- Blocked SD Documents - Finance have to released the delivery block
OVAD- Define credit limit check by delivery order
whether the automatic credit check occurs at the time of delivery creation and/or goods issue
OVA7- Define credit limit check by item category
Set whether to include/exclude item category for credit limit check
OVA6- Define credit group. You can groups together different business transactions which should be dealt with in the same manner with regard to the credit check.
You enter the credit groups when you configure the sales document types for credit management and define the (D - automatic credit check).
* SAP default credit groups
o 01 - credit group for sales order
o 02 - credit group for delivery
o 03 - credit group for goods issue
OVA8- Automatic credit control - Double click on the line items
You can have the followings credit limit check :-

* Static

Depends on the customer total value of open orders, deliveries, billing documents and open items.
* Open items

No of days open
Overdue open items checks is based on the ratio of open items that are overdue by a certain number of days.

Max open items %
The customer balance must not exceed a certain percentage.

* Oldest open items

If you don't want to deliver to the customer at all when even only 1 invoice is overdue.
Tick the Check for Oldest Open Item and Set the field Days oldest item = 1.

Days oldest item
No of days allowed for overdue or payment terms.

Use of the credit check Oldest Open Item. If a user attempts to alter the order quantity of a released sales document
that was previously blocked, it would be reblocked again by the system. The system only reblocks the sales document if the new order quantity is above a certain % amount.

* Released documents are still unchecked

The preset % is whatever you want to set it as when configuring your automatic credit processing. You enter a deviation % and number of days,eg, you can set it so that an order can be changed by up to 10% within 30 days of original order entry date without it going back on credit block.
* Next Review Date

If a customer has a credit limit of 1000 USD, and you would like to restrict this credit limit only to be available in current month (say March). If the document day is in April then the credit limit is zero.

You can use the "NextReview date" and "Number of days" fields and combined it with the "Last int.review" field in customer credit master "Status" view (FD32).
VOKR- Display of work list for credit management (configure the display variant)

VKM3Releasing from Credit Block :- - Sales Order
VKM5Releasing from Credit Block - Delivery Order
VKM4 Releasing from Credit Block - Both Sales Order and Delivery Order

Jaroslav Derka
SAP, IT dept.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: karkkonstant
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 3:17 AM
Subject: FD32: zero credit limit for all sales orders

Good morning.

Where is it defined in spro all customers to have (in FD32) Upper limit for the total receivables = 0 ?
I have checked transaction codes OVAK & OVA8, but there must be and another transaction.

Thanks in advance

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