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RE:[sap-hr] Generating leave quota using report RPTQTA00

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Posted by JG-SAPHR (Senior SAP HR Consultant)
on Nov 1 at 9:07 PM
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Hi Sapnorw,

The program RPTQTA00 uses (i)feature QUOMO, (ii)config tables as per the steps under IMG->Time mgt->...->Rules for Generating Absence Quotas, (iii)custom function EXIT_SAPLHRLV_007 which can be used to modify the Quota selection group. It is very much like accruing through function QUOTA in time eval schema.

I would suggested steps below:
a)Create a date type for 'start-service-date for AL' say AL.
Employees need IT 41 with this date type and value. For empl already in the system, an LSMW object can be used with input from a spread-sheet converted to *.csv format. For new empl, dynamic action can create this date type with the start date default. The person doing the hiring can over-ride this date value.
b)V_T559L - Selection Quota entl (or V_T559E) - Here create three rules (T559E-RULNO) for base entl (say 01, 02, 03) for each valid combination of ES grpg/PS grpg for time quoats/PS grp for abs rec. Usually you create one rule for an abs quota type.
Rule 01 if employed before 1.5.1983 : 29 days
Rule 02 if employed after 1.5.1983 - and age < 60 yrs : 25 days
Rule 03 if employed after 1.5.1983 - and age >= 60 yrs : 30 days

c)V_T559L - Selection rules: Here again create 3 quota type sel grp (say A1, A2, A3). A1 will use the rule for base entl 01, A2 uses 02, A3 uses rule 03.

d)Create ABAP code for function EXIT_SAPLHRLV_007. This use IT 41.
Create code to check the date type AL and provide suitable quota sel grp, A1, A2 or A3.

The rest of config is as usual.


Hope this helps
Regards, JG

---------------Original Message---------------
From: sapnorw
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 10:42 AM
Subject: Generating leave quota using report RPTQTA00

Hello experts,

I will create quota for annual leave - with these rules for seniority :
If employed before 1.5.1983 : 29 days
If employed after 1.5.1983 - and age < 60 yrs : 25 days
If employed after 1.5.1983 - and age >= 60 yrs : 30 days

IT41 is not used - no HDATE is set there.

Where do I set reference date 1.5.1983 - and how can I calculate with ref. to this date in customizing base entitlements ?
I will not count months from today and back to 1.5.1983 - because then I have to change again next year.
My customer doesn't have time eval - so I need to generate using the report.

Please advise,


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